I am done with addictions

Chocolate melts on the tongue and pleasant pleasure comes. Just the smell of coffee awakens all the senses and tobacco, on the other hand, releases the mind and body into a state of relaxation. Social networks give us a sense of identity and we would definitely not be able to live without the latest information from all the media.

Let’s enjoy the world with all the finery and possibilities

We live in a perfect European world so we can enjoy almost anything! Let's just jump into it, it's the right thing to do. The world has pleasures for us so we can enjoy life! But what if our senses go crazy and want more and more? Even this is fine, just remember one rule ...

Be ourselves all the time. 

In self-indulgence, it is important that it is always us. It is within our body, what it thinks and perceives, what it freely chooses, our Consciousness, which is independent of matter itself. There is a huge amount of thoughts around us that we receive just like radio broadcasting. But when we tune in to one thing too much, we stop being ourselves, we become that idea.

Let’s not be confiscated 

For example, we can look forward to an evening glass of wine all day, and in the evening we find that the whole day has flowed through our fingers and we recall only the pleasure and thoughts of wine, nervousness associated with eagerness, etc. So all day we had a mind full of desire instead of living our conscious life. For example, all day we were wine, chocolate or tobacco. And so it can continue day after day for many people.

But for our inner development, it is not the amount of new experiences that matters, but how we accept life itself. That is why we can be at the waterfront our entire life and thus… be happy. Likewise, even just to enjoy chocolate… It is always important that we do it, our inner self, and that it benefits the body, because without it, no one will enjoy pleasures for long. It is also necessary to ask whether our acts do not restrict someone else against their will.

How the idea controls our will

The strongest thought comes to us and keeps gaining more of our attention and force. As long as we are stronger, we use the idea as a tool to create our lives. The moment we give more force to the thought, it overtakes us, and we become her puppet through which the thought is realized. For example, the compulsive idea of tobacco - because it dominates us, we sell more tobacco, to more people (passively) tobacco comes to life and thus gets into the subconscious mind.

Keep our will under our control! 

What would it be to have full control of our mind and get rid of addictions? You can start right away, right now. No costs, we give you instructions here

Can you spend 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the evening and do this for at least 30 days? Then you look forward to a whole new life that is controlled by you and not by your thoughts.

My Astral Body

Get to know life independently of your material body

I want to travel astrally