I sit in a bed leaning against a wall and reading a book. Suddenly my head starts to spin and I see my palms shining. I lift my palms closer to my face and explore their glow, fascinated. My head spins more and more, the light grows and suddenly I look at myself from the other end of the room. 

How to understand this? 

It was 2003 and I was 15 years old. I grew up in an absolutely atheistic and materialistic family. What one could not touch, did not exist. Faith, death, intangible things have never been spoken about in our family. What things did we like to talk about? Such topics are not even on the list of ordinary public discussion, and so it happened that there was really only a material world for me. I believed in the reality that I saw around me and I had no idea of anything else.

Therefore, you can probably imagine how the experience with which I started this article started to dazzle me. I looked at my material body sitting on my bed, and I felt the world around me as very real. It was probably an experience, as if I within one second, unexpectedly teleported you now to the North Pole, and in a few seconds you would be back in your body. It could not be questioned. I experienced something very unusual.


My first reaction was a shock that turned into fear within minutes. After long thought, I found the only reasonable explanation that I probably had a serious illness (mental or brain tumor). I was so frightened that I didn't even search the Internet to confirm my theories. I did not tell anyone about my experiences and tried to forget them as quickly as possible.

Therefore, let us publicly talk about astral travel - so that all people at least sometimes hear about it and are not so worried.

The experiences continued

Unfortunately I could not forget it for a long time, because spontaneous astral travel met me several more times and in very unusual situations. Once I sat in the classroom and again the familiar dizziness came. Suddenly I found myself in the teachers' cabinet where I saw our history teacher preparing the test for the next lesson. What a great shock it was when the next teacher actually came up with an unannounced history test. I had gained the first real proof that what I experience is not just a product of fantasy or hallucination, but has a real overlap into the material world.


Perhaps now you are thinking that with this experience I could have calmed down a bit and started to find out more information. Unfortunately, this was not the case and my fear increased and the last peak gave it the following experience:

I sat on the toilet and started to feel a dense force around me as if I was suddenly in water. I began to panic and focused my eyes on the key in the door, which was close to my eyes ... when suddenly the key began to turn until I heard the lock click as the door locked. 

I immediately yelped, jumped up, unlocked, and ran out where I walked for a good 3 hours. 


There was a break within me. All experiences were so powerful that I convinced myself that this was not reality and nothing like that could happen. I had life-saving mental insurance that made sure I didn't end up in a psychiatric hospital and started living a normal life again. All "supernatural" events stopped happening to me. I said very vigorously, "No." 

10 years later

Thanks to a lot of synchronicities and unexpected events, I get to Sidris' apartment (this in itself is a very long and interesting story) where we share joint meditation. I am experiencing a fall to blackness, my head spinning and a familiar panic comes to me. I remember memories of growing up. I tell everything to Sidris and he initiates me into the concept of "astral travel" and the puzzle pieces begin to fit together to form an overall picture of my life.


In a few months I managed to consciously master astral travel, mental travel, and the material and intangible world merged for me. Over the years, I found that the moment I am really scared, I have so much strength in me that a glass kettle could break. So I realized that the key I turned at that time was my strength and not a dangerous being. 

I enjoy all intangible experiences and I love to find out how to even better control my own Force and consciously create my world with it. A world in which, together with Sidris, we reveal to the public the phenomenon of astral travel and form a community of students of <Astral.University>. I love life here on Earth. <3

Terí Sidris

My Astral Body

Get to know life independently of your material body

I want to travel astrally