Sidris family: How do you guarantee my return to the body?

You write so many details about getting out of the body on the web, but how do you guarantee me that I will come back again? I don't know what would happen if I don't return, but wouldn't it be a state like "coma"? VíΕ₯a

Hello, let's open the interesting topic of astral return to the body, including coma. First of all, matter and its realms are really very strong. Returning to the body is very easy, sometimes surprisingly very simple. And now, let's get into it fully.

Out of Body travel and coma

It literally occurs through the state of Unconsciousness, when one leaves these material realms and literally enjoys the higher. At that moment, they become an astral traveler in the higher realms, who does not understand exactly where they find themselves, and so does not consciously want to return to matter. We have had the opportunity to talk to people in a coma and they often enjoy these conditions.

a) Astral travel

We know these cases from everyday life in the case of a sick body or life problems. In this case, it is important to support their material body, or to help solve a situation for which they do not want to return to this material adventure.

b) Mental travel

Or the astral traveler no longer travels astrally, but has acquired a higher state of consciousness when they left the astral realm and continued into the mental realms. Here we find ourselves without time and space. We could compare these journeys to the great Enlightenment, or we would expect them from the experienced. The material force often has such a great effect on the beginner that you do not even blink, and you are in the body again.

In both cases

it is possible to travel to such a person astrally and talk to them. However, it is always up to them whether they are attracted by the material Force back to the actual body, or whether they go to the higher realms.

We always learn to travel out of body consciously and with a healthy body, which always guarantees full return into matter. Thanks to this, we enjoy the higher realms, where we move in the world without limitations of space, later also time. In the ordinary conscious astral travel that we teach, and which is completely natural for every human being, it will be a great success to find yourself in the astral world for seconds and minutes at first.

It is after some time until they acquire the ability to stay longer, but they always have astral travel under control due to their strong Consciousness. But there are still many ways for the material world to return us to the body, and we welcome and consciously use these ways (for example, the physical body gets hungry, needs a toilet, starts itching, etc.) And thanks to all this knowledge, we have all been able to create such a direct, simple and natural course that can be taught even online, because we pass on all guidance with all ways sensitively, aware of the states you are experiencing right now. Because we experienced the same thing.

Descent into the body

As soon as we come out of the body for the first time, as it is for the hundredth time, the material body always brings us back to ourselves after a few moments and later minutes. It is the same feeling as when you find yourself in an absolutely wonderful and peaceful world that you often do not want to leave, but the material body pulls you back. And it's good, because in matter you play the perfect game of your life…

Tip: However, if you ever get out, always have cold water on hand. All you have to do is move your hand a little, touch the glass - even with your astral hand and you are in your body immediately. Water, as well as food later, serves as a very good anchor to the body.

The firm mind of the astral traveler 

I have been ascending since I was a child and that is why I must say that it is completely safe at any time. Thanks to this, I can guide you on the path of an astral traveler and walk it safely together. One only has to maintain one's own mind, for example through simple instructions.

Tip: In the astral world, you move and create only by thoughts, so the alpha and omega of successful astral travel is to control your own mind. 

Instructions for out of body travel

Be sure to check out the instructions that are used by a large number of readers today. The instructions are simple, understandable and completely safe. Here's a guide to Mental Travel or then more challenging directly to Astral Travel.



Let’s travel astrally together 

βœ… At the course, I will literally guide you step by step through all the states of consciousness that we explain, understand and experience.

βœ… We are on this journey together until you decide for yourself that you will now go proudly and confidently alone, with all the new knowledge. 

βœ… You can do everything!



My Astral Body

Get to know life independently of your material body

I want to travel astrally