Find your spiritual name

Astral force energizes words that are able to imply both love and sadness. We have clearly defined shapes, colours, sounds, words, but what about our own name? We chose it together with our parents before we were born but what the name really radiates into material and astral sphere is strongly affected by our past experiences.

And so, from birth to the present day, we literally pack up all our emotions, decisions, opinions and actions. But most of them are from other people, not from ourselves. Our parents taught us to behave in a certain way, the society wanted us to behave in another way. We have absorbed other people’s bad habits and points of view that are not always of use to us.

Discovering our spiritual name is natural

Ancient tribes felt that it was not right for anybody to bear the name given by parents for the rest of their lives. Therefore, on the day a person entered their adulthood, they chose a new name. This new name was meant to be used by them for the rest of their lives and was not burdened with anything. It was as clean as a white sheet of paper and the bearer manifested all their best qualities consciously awakened.

The bearer of the name adjusts their name according to their own feelings and knowledge related to the world. It no longer expresses any old thinking; the bearer becomes a new person with a new life. The name can thus often express strength, kindness, truthfulness, purity of intentions or action, and all other qualities that the bearer of the name wants to fully develop for the rest of their life.

For example, Buddhism follows this tradition. A Buddhist novice receives a chosen name from his Lama. Names are written in Sanskrit and often mean things like “open eyes”, “clean hands”, “astute eagle”, etc. So, as we can see, we are not far from the American Indians even though we live far eastwards from them...

Our own choice

Then there is a second option which is supported by our European culture (after a big bureaucracy circle) and that is the decision of the individual. This is a case when a person resonates with another name all the time because they don’t like their current name. 

To give an example, somebody called John chooses to become Thomas. Alternatively – which is the best option – the person chooses their spiritual name, which serves them as their strongest support. 

The spiritual name emanates from the vibrations of the whole person: the physical, astral (soul) and mental (spirit) bodies. It is rather a verbal description of vibrations on the level of fine, normally invisible but recognizable spheres.

Your astral name is very strong

Such a name is very strong, because upon its (even ritual) acceptance it literally becomes the support for its bearer. It is then impossible to get lost on your way in life and even if such a thing happens, the name always warns its bearer that he has not chosen such a direction. On the contrary, the bearer is fully supported for the journey they have chosen.

How to find your astral/spiritual name?

1) Find an evening for yourself. Sit down comfortably, try to calm down inside, don’t hurry anywhere. Your thoughts are not important now, put them aside…

2) After a while, you will stop feeling your body and feel a pleasant tingling… That’s great!

3) There is a power, light, your aura, your subtle bodies and energies around your body, and now it is time to perceive them. Feel them with all the senses, feel them, enjoy them, identify with them. Be yourself. 

4) After a while, specify what your life is supposed to express, what good qualities you want to develop in it, which charismatic and personal qualities do you like and want to have more in your life. Experience this reality as realistically as possible, as if it is already real. 

5) As soon as you are clear about what you want, even in more sessions than just one, then go deeply into peace. Listen to the music of your soul and your spirit – listen to how beautifully they sing, how they understand each other, and how they complement one another. Just as the heart beats physically and makes a sound, you will hear your name – your vibrations – your music all around you, with your inner ears, with all your perception. You are yourself, nothing else.

6) Enjoy this beautiful moment, you are getting to know a new piece of yourself. Your name does not have to appear in words in this music, often it is only possible to perceive it and after a while convert it into human words.

7) Choose carefully, do not hurry. Your name is now your assistant, but it is still you. Words are still just words, but you know yourself, your power independent of the material realm. This is you and you know it. 

8) If it is your wish to start a new path in your life immediately, start using the name immediately, too. As your astral name is a bucket which is filled more and more by your power, helping you.

9) Now you can enjoy your own astral name power, go play the beautiful game of life with other people, where we harmonize and create a beautiful spectacle. More and more people play that fine music and a wonderful orchestra of a magical, cool world is being created…

And yet another way

The moment you ascend astrally and are already able to be in the astral space and consciously control the situation, ask yourself about your astral name. It will come within a second and you will experience an indescribably beautiful state of self-love and rediscovery of yourself, your heart and your Force. It will be you again. This cannot be described in words, but believe that you must experience it.

My Astral Body

Get to know life independently of your material body

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